Picking out guidelines from digital files, joining together layer upon layer of material—regardless of whether metal, ceramic or plastic—until the object shape is distinctively realized. The process is called 3-D printing and if you are not aware about this concept at this point, you haven’t been paying enough attention to scores of breathless news stories and innovation write ups or to the Ex-President Barack Obama, who pronounced in his State of the Union address that 3-D printing “can possibly change the way we make practically anything.” Just like with any innovation, designers have to start somewhere, and the race is already being run by major shoe brands like Adidas, Nike, New Balance and Under Armour who all need to assert some authority as they are the current rulers of 3D printing. The practice is viewed as a mutually beneficial endeavor for both brands and consumers. For the former, it will enable them to cut down their waste and fast forward their...