What Kind of Content Marketing Works Now?
“Content is the King for Digital marketing”, seems like an old adage now. With the passing of time, Content as we know it, has evolved, and become more succinct, varied, and graphic. In simple words, non textual content is now being considered as one of the ways marketers target their customers. As such, with such a variety (info-graphics, memes, blogs, audio, video, podcasts, etc.), it is important to know what kind of content works the best for firms and why.
Most of the websites need the following types of content to have a competitive advantage in a given market using a creative agency
Curate Content to Entertain
Lets face it; no one likes the preachy one. Most of the content can be focused on educating the reader; while it can be a great track to work on, you’d be remiss if you didn’t follow the opportunity to ‘inform’ or ‘entertain’ the reader on a human to human level. Entertaining can be funny and informative at the same time, is highly shareable, and has the capacity to transform you from a mere company to a ‘group of people just like me’. This aspect can make you build trust with your user base.
Curate Content to Inspire
When done right, inspiration can be contagious. This happens when you publish something that resonates with many people at once, that they cannot help but pass it on – improving number of shares for your content.
Curate Content to Convert
Steer your content towards a conversation, enabling your reader to ponder over the published material and discuss it with their peers, sign up for your newsletter, subscribe for your blogs, etc.
You should experiment with the variety of content as well and not just limit your creativity to text or words. Play with info-graphics, visual appeal of your content, memes, images, etc. People remember the visual content more than the textual content – so don’t shy away from playing around with all the tools available or hire a creative agency in Jaipur to help you with the same.
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