What is the future of content marketing activities?
Gone are the SEO days when only text ruled the content and with it a firm could make their way to achieve high rankings in the search result. But assuming that with the change in information density, medium and consumer preferences, the old school strategy would continue to succeed, then you could not be more wrong. SEO agency now have to consider the fact that words are simply not enough and it is important to engage, inform an delight consumers as opposed to simply flood their newsfeed with textual content. Undoubtedly, content with images, memes, other visuals, etc. are stated to have greater online lifespan.
Why should you incorporate visual content in your content marketing activities?
Stats: Various studies state that brains tend to perceive visuals faster as opposed to any other content. For instance, it is estimated that 90% of all transmitted information to the brain is mostly visual. This is enough to understand the importance of visuals. With the density of information available on the web, you do not have more than a split second to grab the attention of your target audience. Content that includes information using infographics, memes, etc. can help you stand out of the crowd.
Storytelling: Visuals corroborate the story, “a picture says a thousand words”. They are not easy to comprehend, but they have a quality to tell a story without incorporating text in a direct and engaging manner. This storytelling process can be one of the best social media marketing techniques used by creative ad agency in Jaipur.
Social media engagement: As per recent observations, tweets with images get 150% more re tweets, and 89% more favourites. This suggests that sharing response rate can be increased among users by incorporating visual content through a branding agency.
SEO marketing is adept at using various kinds of visual content to engage consumers and these are memes, info graphics, Vines, GIFs, Videos, Images, etc. However, using only meaningful visuals in your content strategy is bound to succeed and marketers should not expect substantial change by adding a simple stock photo to their content. SMO can help you place an image after every 400 words to enable readers analyse your text as well.
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