Visibility, especially online visibility is what any business or web page craves for. The best way to earn this visibility and in turn get traffic on your page is Google; several studies have suggested that 95% of the visitors click on the first link that appears on Google’s search engine. There are various SEO practices which any business makes a run at to come to the top of Google’s search rank; however, blogging acquires a major portion of any website’s traffic. So, if you are a business trying to gain the visibility which in turn can be lucrative for your business, then your blogging game has to be strong. It is indeed a complex task to improve any blog’s search ranking as Google constantly changes its algorithm and that too without any major announcements or updates but several simple strategies, if followed, can improve any blog’s search rank in no time. We have put together the 5 best ways to improve your blog’s search rankings. Take a look.
1. Go Social
There is no better platform than social media to promote any blog. All major social media handles give you access to the world’s population who can read your blog and increase the traffic to your page eventually. Posting blogs on Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter can enhance the visibility of your blog in a short span of time resulting in more shares, engagement and in turn traffic and better rankings. Keep a timely social media posting regime and post frequently (at least 2 blog postings in a day) and post your blog on as many social media platforms as possible as it will enable Google to gather more data on the same. Read more about Social Media Marketing Tips
2. Engaging Title and Relevant Content
A catchy title and quality rich content is sure to grab eyeballs. If your blog is on the topic that really matters to the people or it has some intriguing title, it automatically will get more traffic and will get a much better ranking on major search engines, as well. Using bold, heading tags, italics and other important tags along with phrases in your blog which you think will be most searched, use them at least two to three times can also increase the relevance of your content if used in an optimum manner.
3. Optimum Use Of Keywords
Stuffing your blog with as many keywords as possible is a technique which was used initially to improve rankings. But this technique now can have an adverse effect on the visibility of the blog. Now, Google has changed its algorithm and the focus is on relevant, quality keywords or keyword phrases along with meaningful content which can give a blog the desired visibility and an improved rank.
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